• Question: What is a biomedical scientist?

    Asked by bellk19 to Paul on 9 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Paul Laurance-Young

      Paul Laurance-Young answered on 9 Nov 2019:

      A biomedical scientist (often shortened to BMS) is a person who helps doctors identify what has caused a disease in a person.
      A microbiology BMS will take a swab from a patient, spread it on a special substance to help all the bacteria grow and, based on what grows, be able to tell the nasty bacteria from those that are just hanging out and minding their own business (you body has lots of ‘good’ bacteria that help keep you healthy)
      A blood sciences BMS will take a blood sample and analyse it looking for differences in cell types – are there more or fewer white blood cells, for example? What is the chemistry of your blood – do you have enough iron, calcium or other compounds?
      A cell pathology BMS will receive tissues from a GP or surgical operating theatre (like piece of skin) and will prepare it so you are able to see all the cells that make up that tissue (and therefore identify if a cancer is there)
