• Question: Is there any techniques that you used to pass a test like revising in the morning and this question is for like when you were young ? when I mean techniques I mean like the method you use to revise for few topics easily.

    Asked by anon-225158 to Simon, Selen, Paul, Nawapat, Natalie, Katy on 16 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Paul Laurance-Young

      Paul Laurance-Young answered on 16 Nov 2019:

      Sadly studying is never easy! Personally I would write out my notes, the rewrite them from memory, check them against the originals… repeat. Add a few past papers into the mix. Use the tests in the book. Draw diagrams.
      Remembering everything you need is only half the battle. As I tell my students: “I can’t mark it if you don’t put it down on paper”, so use pictures and bullet points when answering things and never, ever, ever cross out your ‘working out’.

    • Photo: Nawapat Kaweeyanun

      Nawapat Kaweeyanun answered on 16 Nov 2019: last edited 16 Nov 2019 7:40 pm

      I tried not to revise in the morning before exam, because this tends to make me panic! When I was younger, I reread my textbooks but I did not try to remember everything, because that is almost impossible and makes me brain hurt. What I did instead is remembering a few facts, and learn how to find out other facts using the starting facts! Flow charts are very helpful for this. I also did practice exam questions if they are available, because then I know how to answer the questions the way the exams want, and how to manage my time and not panic. I stop revising when I feel that my brain cannot take in any more knowledge. If I keep pushing too much, my brain would start forgetting things I learned before so that’s not useful!

    • Photo: Natalie Fowler

      Natalie Fowler answered on 18 Nov 2019:

      I used to find that writing things out over and over again helped me, the repetition helped it to fix in my brain. I also found working for a few hours, then having a power nap also helped. Because I have a short attention span I couldn’t sit for a whole day and revise because my mind would wander, so lot’s of small chunks was better for me.
